5 Augmented Reality Success Stories
Since 2011 we have launched Augmented Reality products and experiences for the world’s leading entertainment and education brands in more than 200 locations worldwide. Each installation has been different in terms of content, objective and space, and each one has a success story of its own – below are some of the most powerful ones.
5 Brilliant Augmented Reality Mobile Apps
Mobile continues to be a fascinating space for the deployment of AR. For many years expectation has sadly outweighed technical capability, but things are changing fast. Despite the inevitable gimmicks, the face apps, the inward-looking marketing campaigns, Augmented Reality provides real power in the right hands. Since 2011, we've done hundreds of AR projects worldwide – Here's our top 5 favourite Mobile AR developments.
T-Rex Revealed: The story from a different perspective
When we were tasked to create an “invisible” exhibition themed around recent scientific findings on dinosaurs and T-Rexes in particular, we were excited to work on an educational application that teaches kids about these fascinating creatures in a visual way. We were prepared to work on a large scale but fundamentally simple Augmented Reality application that uses target images to position the content and track the space to keep the content in place.